If you find PicaSim (or its desktop predecessor SSS) useful or enjoyable, the paid versions on Android and iOS will support its future development, in particular by covering the costs of licencing various pieces of software (Terragen for the panoramic sceneries, and Marmalade for the cross-platform libraries). Cambridge Rocketry Simulator v.2.1 Beta Cambridge Rocketry Simulator was designed as a simple and handy tool that allows you to perform six degree of freedom. If that doesn't work, you can try changing the value of "SysGlesVersion" to 1 in app.icf (in the installation directory). RC Helicopters or Radio Controlled helicopters are model aircraft which are distinct from RC airplanes because of the differences in construction, aerodynamics, and flight training. These include demo versions of ClearView, RealFlight G4, and RC Flight Master eXtreme64. There are also demo versions of RC Plane Master and several programs featuring airplanes and helicopters. If you experience problems you should try updating your graphics drivers. These RC Airplane Flight Simulators include the free FMS and the very basic (but free) Manuels Radio Control Flight Simulator. Please note that the Windows version requires Windows XP or above (not sure about Windows 8), and hardware support for OpenGL 2.0 or above. If you're unsure, run it through a virus checker first! I think it's just a precautionary system detecting you're accessing an installer that hasn't (yet) been downloaded many times. This is a bogus warning (see here) that I haven't yet managed to fix/work around. This is a bogus warning (see here) that I.
Chrome sometimes complains about the Windows installer appearing to be malicious, as does Windows 10 (perhaps other systems too).

just search for PicaSim on your regional Amazon site.
It's free (click the image on the left to download), but if you like it then maybe you would like to support its future development (or buy me a beer/servo/LiPo etc!):Ĭhrome sometimes complains about the Windows installer appearing to be malicious, as does Windows 10 (perhaps other systems too!). The full Android version on Amazon Underground - which means it's totally free. The Windows version (Version 11085 on 08 September 2019). The full Android version on Amazon Underground - which means it's totally free.